LightCare RX Logo

Red Light Therapy Systems For Professionals

Red Light Therapy Systems

For Medical Professionals

LightCare RX Logo

Enhanced Patient Outcomes.

A More Profitable Practice.


Professional Medical Grade Red Light Therapy Systems. Science Backed. Clinically Proven. Durably Built for maximum up-time in busy clinical settings. Our unique and patented technology delivers the most effective Red Light treatment in the world. LightCare RX Red Light Therapy systems are Fully FDA and Health Canada approved.

Professional Medical Grade Red Light Therapy Systems. Science Backed. Clinically Proven. Durably Built for maximum up-time in busy clinical settings. Our unique and patented technology delivers the most effective Red Light treatment in the world. Fully FDA and Health Canada approved.

Our Model RX1 Chair | Exclusive

Photo of Woman sitting on RX-1 Seat

Our Model RX6 | Full Body Coverage

Photo of woman receiving full body treatment with RX6 PBM model





Note: Views expressed are those of actual LightCare RX patients. Results may vary.

What LightCare RX Red Light Systems Can Do For Your Patients





One Unique Opportunity

One Unique Opportunity

Rapid Growth Sector

Fastest growing modality in health care.

Low Cost Of Entry

Complete setup starts below $30,000.

No Additional Staffing

Only treatment start / stop requires staff attention.

High Margin

Typically 9-12 months with average traffic-promotion.

Low Competition

Accessible treatment options limited.

Easy Staff Training

Internet based training / certification provided.


When non-pharmaceutical solutions are best answer.


A comforting post-covid option.


Works well with other modalities (PRP, Chiropractic).

Well Researched

Avg. 25 new studies a month (over 5,000 studies total).

Easily Integrated

Easy startup. Easy operation. Easy integration.

One Of A Kind

Unique technology. Most powerful. Widest coverage. World's most comprehensive lineup.

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LIGHTCARE Connects does not offer medical advice. Any information of a medical nature in this website is provided for informational purposes only. Information provided in person, by telephone or through marketing materials including; but not limited to all print, audio and online information is for informational purposes only. Information provided should not be considered complete, nor should it be relied on to suggest a course of treatment for any individual. Please seek advice from your doctor.

Reliance on any information or referral provided by LightCareRx or other products sold on this site is solely at your own risk. LIGHTCARE Connects assumes no liability or responsibility for the advice, opinions and services offered and provided by others.

Page last changed: 2024-09-30

Copyright ® 2024 LightCare Connects


PhotoBioModulation (Red Light Therapy) has a well established record treating pain, inflammation and improving circulation. When pain and inflammation are reduced, and circulation is improved, the body is better able to generate the energy necessary for the activities of daily living.

Inflammation is a significant root-source of pain and thus is at the very core of many debilitating conditions. Red Light Therapy has been shown to lessen the effects of a large number of common body issues and thus provides a viable treatment alternative that is:

• Non-Pharmaceutical • Non-Invasive • No Touch

• Golfers-Tennis Elbow
• Tendonitis
• Muscle Tears
• Chronic Pain
• Pressure Sores
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Muscle Recovery
• Reduce Lactic Acid
• Carpal Tunnel Pain
• Degenerative Joint Disease
• Long Covid
• Shingles & Post-herpetic Neuralgia
• Post-concussive Syndrome
• Muscle Spasms-Inflammation

• Anti-Aging
• Boast Collagen Production
• Reduce Wrinkles
• Diminish Age Spots
• Reverse Sun Damage
• Reduce Scar Tissue
• Migraine and Headaches
• Skin Rejuvenation
• Hair Restoration
• PRP Enhancement
• Migraine and Headache
• Post-traumatic Hematoma
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome
• Bursitis
• Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

• Neuropathic Pain
• Sore Joints
• Carpal Tunnel Pain
• Back & Neck Pain
• Wound Healing
• Bone Health
• Diabetic Ulcers
• Pressure Ulcers
• Autoimmune Inflammation
• Radiation Sores
• Sinusitis
• Sciatica
• Intimate Health

PBM Red Light Therapy

The conditions listed here are those most frequently treated with PBM Red Light Therapy today.

New Research Studies are published each month demonstrating potential beneficial results achieved over an expanding range of other medical conditions. Please consult with your family doctor / specialist about PBM and your specific conditions.

Emerging treatment areas are not included here until such time as all full government/medical reviews have been completed and a direct causal relationship has been proven between the condition and beneficial outcomes using PBM Red Light Therapy.

Check back for breaking news and research updates.

Commonly Treated Conditions

Model RX1

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The RX1 is a very versatile unit suitable for use in a wide variety of applications targeting specific body areas. This model is on casters and ca be moved through a standard size door.

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• 500 Watts/52,000mJoules cm2
• Deep Penetration (up to 3")
• Voltage is 120 VAC, 60Hz, 15 amps
• Body Coverage Area: 178 Square Inches
• Dimensions: 18" L x 21" W x 48" H
• Lockable Mobility Casters

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Model RX-C

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The RX-C is our latest innovation –– uniquely designed to treat intimate health and wellness issues.

LightCare Model RX-C photo

• Non-Thermal • Non-Collimated • Scattered
• 500 Watts/52,000mJoules/cm2
• Deep Penetration (up to 3")
• Voltage is 120 VAC, 60Hz, 15 amps
• Body Coverage Area: 178 Square Inches
• Aperture: 9" Diameter Round Opening
• Dimensions: 18" D x 19" W x 20" H
• Light Source: Polychromatic, Near-Infrared
• Wavelengths: 10 Peaks Between 600nm & 1200nm

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Model RX2

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The RX2 is a very versatile model, capable of covering knees, feet, neck or head and chest combinations.

image of LightCareRX PhotoBioModulation Product Model RX2

• 1200 Watts/52000mJoules/cm2
• Deep Penetration (up to 3")
• Voltage is 120 60Hz, 15 amps
• Body Coverage Area: 220 square inches
• Dimensions:
42 L" x 40 W" x 60 H"
• Lockable Mobility Casters

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Model RX3

man being treated with RX 1 PBM
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The RX3 is well suited to wide area treatments that are less than full body.

image of LightCareRX Product Model RX3

• 1800 Watts / 52,000mJoules/cm2
• Deep Penetration (up to 3")
• Voltage is 220 Vac 60 Hz, 20 amps
• Body Coverage Area: 280 square inches
• Dimensions: 46 L" x 40 W" x 60 H" 

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Model RX6

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The RX6 is a full body unit with an array of six PhotoBioModulation Lights. Suitable for the widest possible range of treatments. The RX6 offers the largest body coverage area available in the world.

image of LightCareRX PhotoBioModulation Product Model RX6

• 3600 Watts/52,000mJoulescm2
• Up to 3 inches penetration

• Voltage is 220-240 VAC 60HZ 30 amps
• Body Coverage Area: Full Body Exposure
• Dimensions: 96 L" x 30 W" x 90 H" 

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• Build Leadership Perception
• Offering modern / up-to-date treatment options

Enhance Your Reputation

• Offer Add-On Treatment Option
• Increases One-Stop Experience
• Builds Stronger Relationship
• Repeat Visits (1-3 times weekly)

Build Stronger Relationships

• Add New Patient Sector
• Repeat Visits (1-3 times weekly)
• Opportunity To Cross-sell Other Treatments

Build Broader Patient Base

• Easy Two Button Operation | Easy Training
• No Additional Staff Needed
• Reliable / Predictable Scheduling
• Attend To 1 Patient While Another Receives LightCareRx Treatment

Allocate Staff Efficiently

• More Therapy Options For Patients
• Complements Other Modalities
• Extends Treatment Range
• Treats Multiple Conditions

A Complementary Treatment Path

• Increasing Media Coverage
• Public Awareness Exploding
• Expected To Be
50 Billion USD Business By 2025 (Forbes)

Fastest Growing Wellness Sector

• Leading PhotoBioModulation Technology
• No Touch Treatment
• Satisfy Demand For Non-Invasive, Non-Pharmacuetical

Fastest Growing Wellness Sector

Golfers & Tennis Elbow
Neuropathic Pain
Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain
Carpal Tunnel Pain
Degenerative Joint Disease
Back & Neck Pain
Skin Tightening
Hair Growth (men)
PRP Enhancement
Improved Circulation
Wound Healing
Added Collagen Production
Reduced Inflamation

Treatment for a broad range of conditions in one place

Added Value: Clients benefit from PGM Red Light Therapy in multiple ways in one session

Treatment for one condition benefit others eg., treatment for pain deduction will also aid sleep, improve energy and so on.

Enhanced Client Value

Deep Penetration
No Discomfort
No Touch
Pain Reduction

Demand For New Options

When Pharmaceuticals are not well tolerated

When Non-Pharmaceutical Solutions Are Preferred

When Pharmaceuticals Are Contra-Indicated

Over 50 Years of research
500 Clinical Trials
4,000 Laboratory Studies
30 New Research Papers (Monthly Average)

Growing Body Of Support

Enhances Patient Experience with other modalities

Massage / Acupuncture / Chiropractic / PRP etc.

Patient Reported Enhancements

Red Light Therapy is the fastest growing modality in health care

Treatment for a broad range of conditions in one place

Added Value: Clients benefit from PGM Red Light Therapy in multiple ways in one session

Treatment for one condition benefit others eg., treatment for pain deduction will also aid sleep, improve energy and so on.

Enhanced Client Value

Deep Penetration
No Discomfort
No Touch
Pain Reduction

Demand For New Options

When Pharmaceuticals are not well tolerated

When Non-Pharmaceutical Solutions Are Preferred

When Pharmaceuticals Are Contra-Indicated

Over 50 Years of research
500 Clinical Trials
4,000 Laboratory Studies
30 New Research Papers (Monthly Average)

Growing Body Of Support

Enhances Patient Experience with other modalities

Massage / Acupuncture / Chiropractic / PRP etc.

Patient Reported Enhancements